Difference between Collection and Collections in Java?


  • It is the root interface in the collection hierarchy.
  • It represents a group of individual objects as a single entity.
  • Most of the classes in Java Collection Framework inherit from this interface. List, Set and Queue are main sub interfaces of this interface.
  • Map interface, which is also a part of java collection framework, doesn’t inherit from Collection interface. 
  • JDK doesn’t provide any direct implementations of this interface. But, JDK provides direct implementations of it’s sub interfaces. ArrayList, Vector, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, PriorityQueue are some indirect implementations of Collection interface. 
  • Collection interface is a member of java.util package.


  • Collections is an utility class in java.util package. 
  • It consists of only static methods (like sorting, searching, etc.) which are used to operate on Collection objects.
  • Some important methods of Collections class are Collections.max(), Collections.min(), Collections.sort()