How to create user in Ubuntu?

Create User In Ubuntu---->
-Go to System Setting
-Click on User Accounts
-Click on Unlock----Passwed will be asked
-Click on + sign to add new user
-Select Account Type as Administrator
-Enter Full Name ( Ex- hadoop1)
-Enter Username ( Ex- hadoop1)
-Click on Add
-User Created
To set password to newly created user-->
-Open Terminal

saghir --->Current Existing user
saghir-Inspiron-3420  --->Root User
-Write the command:
sudo passwd <username>
saghir@saghir-Inspiron-3420:~$ sudo passwd hadoop1
[sudo] password for saghir: 
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully 

To add User by CLI---->

hadoop1@saghir-Inspiron-3420:~$ sudo adduser hadoop2
Adding user `hadoop2' ...
Adding new group `hadoop2' (1003) ...
Adding new user `hadoop2' (1003) with group `hadoop2' ...
Creating home directory `/home/hadoop2' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for hadoop2
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []: 
Room Number []: 
Work Phone []: 
Home Phone []: 
Other []: 
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