As someone already answered the question that they ask mostly STAR type questions. Here is a list of questions that I prepared for my Exxon Interview (Collected from internet) :

Tell what you know about ExxonMobil
Describe one time where you weighed pros and cons and decided not to take action despite pressure to do so?
Greatest obstacle?
Describe when you dealt with a team member of poor performance?
Name a time when something difficult happened and you overcame it ?/what is the biggest challenge you have faced in your life and how did you handle/face it ?
Describe a time you had to change your approach to something
Are you open to mobility?
Greatest challenge and what I have learnt
A tough subject and how I cope
Give an example of how you have shown initiative within your field of study?
Tell me about the time you had a conflict on working place.
Did you implement something new during your studies/work?
Where do you find yourself in next 5 years?
Tell me about your weaknesses.
Tell us a time where you had to radically change your thinking and/or approach to a problem due to some new information?
Why Exxonmobil?
Tell us about a time where you showed initiative on a project?
How would you behave if everything you organised for an event in another country would not go as expected?
Tell us about a time a team member disagreed with you.
Tell me if a time you skipped a step in a procedure to make it go faster
If you were doing as much as you can and we're still unable to finish all your tasks in one day how would make sure they were all done?
Tell me one thing you dislike about your current job
Why did i pick exxon mobil?
If you were doing as much as you can and we're still unable to finish all your tasks in one day how would make sure they were all done?
Tell us an experience about how you work with someone who is difficult on you.
What do you do when you have disagreements with your colleagues?
Tell us an example when you made a mistake.
Tell us about when you had a conflict with a colleague.
Self introduction, very briefly
how do you cope unprepared change?
Do you have any thing that dissatisfies you in your work or life?
Have you worked together with people you don’t like? If so how would deal with the relationship?
How did you know about Exxon Mobil and the position?
Why do you want to work in Exxon Mobil
Detailed education background
When have you had to reject other peoples ideas?
How did you handle solving a problem where the solution was not immediately obvious to you.
Describe a stressful situation that you went through. How did you handle it?
Describe a time, when you had to change your approach. How did you do so? what was the outcome?
Describe a time when you exceeded expectations.
What is your outlook on global oil and natural gas markets?
Explain a time when you had to troubleshoot and was this successful or unsuccessful?
Describe a time you took a leadership position in a team setting.
Tell me about a time you had to convince a team or group to go with your idea over all others.
Describe a time when you find convinced others to do something they didn't want to do. How did you do it? (Or questions very similar. The questions overlapped a lot.)
How would you see yourself in the next 20 years in the company?
I was asked if I would be OK with being on the project from development stage through commissioning and start-up.
Describe a time when you had to dishonour a commitment
Talk about a time someone went against what you said. What did you do about it?
Give an example when you applied your analytical skills?
Describe a time you disagreed with someone in your group? How did you handle it?
Describe a time something went wrong? What did you do first?
Can you remember a situation,when you didn't keep your promise? Describe your perfect working environment. What wouldn’t you like to do at work
Your position regarding quality of work.
Give a time where you weighed the pros and cons of a situation, and decided to not take action.
Describe a time when a direct customer was very angry, and how you solved their problem, resulting in a happy customer.
Can you handle the emotional stress of not getting a single customers a few month into training? How to improve on that.
How did you implement (insert project here) and why did you choose to do it this way?
Have you ever been in the situation where you've had to do the most of a group project?
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with someone in a group who was being uncooperative/wasn't engaging with the group.
Tell me about a time when you dealt with someone on your team who wasn’t performing?
Tell me about a time when you had to interpret numerical data.
Did you use any softwares or other tools?
Time when you had to stick to your plan despite opposition.
Time when you had to change your plan.
What is the most difficult thing you've faced?
Decision that you made after weighing pros and cons
Why did you choose to apply to Exxon?
Is there anything else that you want Exxon to know? (Not in CV)
Time when you had to adapt to a situation
Time when you felt that certain rules and regulations restricted you. What did you do?
Time when you had to forego a prior commitment.
Time when you had to overcome challenges.
Followed up with how did you manage your time.
Tell me about a time when you identified that a process could be improved.
Any other experiences you wish to share?
Would you prefer to work in chemicals or the refinery?
Tell me about a time you did something that wasn't asked of you at work.
Which marketing company did you think has the best strategy?
What was your team work experience?
What do you want us to know about you
Is there a time when you had a conflict with your superior during internship? How did you resolve it?
Describe a situation where you had to convince others of your stance.
Describe a time you had to complete a task and had missing information
Describe a time you got too much credit for a group effort
Describe a time the direction/priorities of your project shifted dramatically, how did you react?
Describe a situation where your work was being closely monitored, did you work well in that environment?
What are you most proud about?
Tell us about a time when you changed someone's mind.
What did you do during your internship?
How would you design a distillation column if the components being fed to the column are not known?
When have you had to motivate a group of people?
Describe a time when you had to decide between two conflicting sources of data
How did you overcome challenges at your previous work place?
If 3 years later Sinopec wants you to join them, what will you choose?
Do you ever get into a very big fight with your friends and why?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Working in a team, how did I adapt to change, have I received feedback and what was the outcome etc
What has been your least favourite class?
When have you had to work through a problem with a teammate?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Can you tell us about a time you failed and how you dealt with it?
Tell us about a time you dealt with a stressful time and how did you deal with it?
Why you choose EM and how much you know about their business
Your experience in working with people from different backgrounds
Your method to ensure yourself and others to meet the deadline
Your hobbies and interest
Describe a time where you had to complete a task with insufficient resources.
Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a teammate over a project
Tell me something about you that you would like me to know that you haven't yet mentioned.
Tell me about a time you had to work with a difficult person?
Tell us about a time you had to convince your team that your way of doing something was better than the option they were thinking of.
How your past experiences be it school project or past internship makes you a better fit in the role that you are applying.
Tell me about a complex project you've recently worked on, or a moment when the requirements for a project have changed unexpectedly.
how did you deal with your difficulties?
teamwork and individual work which you more preferred?
how you deal with conflict in your team?
What was a significant challenge you faced professionally.
Tell me about a time you did not have enough resources to complete a project.
Can you describe a time where you had to convince a group of people to do something? How did you handle that situation?
When have you worked with someone difficult?
When have you made a process more efficient?
Describe when you had to use your technical knowledge.
Tell me about a time where you disagreed with your team.
Name a time when you had to skip a step in a process. What did you do and what was the end result?
How did you convince someone on your team to accept your opinion on an issue?
Tell me about a time when you had to solve a conflict in a team you were part of
What do you do when you are not working?
Give an example of a situation, when you made a mistake and what were the consequences of it.
Tell me an example when you solved the problem in cooperation with a team member(s).
What was the most complex problem you recently have been asked to solve?
Say an example of a recent problem you uncovered in your job - how did you identify this problem?
Tell about a job/task, where you had to analyse/interpret numerical/financial information. What methods you use to control errors in your work?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone asked you to change or hide information? and What did you do?
Describe an opportunity where you went above and beyond the call of duty to grow an organisation you were involved in? Talk about the specific tools/methods you used, the results and what you learned.
Describe an experience in which you had to resolve a problem whilst working on a team?
Tell us about your background and ambitions and how those align with Exxon's future growth. Address the specific unit you intend to work with.
Tell me about a time you displayed leadership behaviour/teamwork/data analysis skills
How to deal with the flexible working time since the company operate worldwide?
If we hire you, where do you see your self in 5 years?
Describe a situation when you had to come up with an idea
Tell me about a time you had to finish a job on time but a safety rule wouldn't let you and what did you do?
Why Exxonmobil? What was your primary resource other than internet to know about exxonmobil? What can you bring to the company?
Describe a time that you had to make a quickly-approaching deadline.
Are you afraid of heights, and will you be ok with having to walk up and down stairs.
Pick a case where you were not of the same opinion as your colleague, how did you convince them to change their mind
Tell me about your college experience before you transfer to this school. Tell me about your research experience.
What made you choose to study geoscience?
Tell me about a time when you were not given all that was required to complete a task
Have you ever run into a problem with a group member during a project?
Name a time when you were faced with a morally challenging situation
TLDR; Just be true to yourself and to them. They are looking for problem solvers. So if you are able to demonstrate it with your examples then you will surely ace the interview.

Best of Luck.

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