-Conf files for 1.x
1- core-site.xml
2- hdfs-site.xml
3- mapred-site.xml
4- hadoop-env.sh
5- masters - It holds the information about Secondary Name Node (SNN)
6- slaves
-Conf files for 2.x
1- core-site.xml
2- hdfs-site.xml
3- mapred-site.xml
4- hadoop-env.sh
5- mapred-env.sh
6- yarn-env.sh
7- yarn-site.xml
1- core-site.xml
2- hdfs-site.xml
3- mapred-site.xml
4- hadoop-env.sh
5- masters - It holds the information about Secondary Name Node (SNN)
6- slaves
-Conf files for 2.x
1- core-site.xml
2- hdfs-site.xml
3- mapred-site.xml
4- hadoop-env.sh
5- mapred-env.sh
6- yarn-env.sh
7- yarn-site.xml